I offer a safe and supportive ENVIRONMENT for your personal growth and transformation. By embracing this multi-modality approach, you'll embark on a profound inner exploration, discovering new aspects of yourself, and creating a life aligned with your deepest desires.

You’re a powerful leader who is passionate about bringing big ideas to life from a place of integrity and heart. You’ve been on the self-development path for years, yet you keep finding yourself in the same painful situations over and over again. Your relationships seem to play out the same stories, and you can’t seem to get off the hamster wheel.

Turns out, it doesn’t matter how aware we are about our inner world. If that awareness isn’t integrated into the physical body through careful unwinding of the nervous system and musculoskeletal system, we tend to attract the same lessons year after year.

It’s only through integrating that mental and spiritual wisdom into your entire system that you will begin to see the ripest fruits of your personal growth.

Are you ready to embark on a profound journey of self-discovery and transformation? I invite you to join my unique in-person offering designed to empower and awaken your true potential. Through a multi-modality approach, combining elements of ritual theater, deep transpersonal work, somatic release, coaching, role-playing, bodywork, and energy work, this transformative experience will guide you towards a profound sense of self-awareness and personal growth. You’ll finish with the tools and embodied experience to make decisions from a place of centeredness and to attract the life of your dreams.

I draw from the following modalities to create a personalized experience for your unique journey:

Ritual Theater: Harnessing the power of storytelling and symbolic representation, ritual theater offers a transformative platform for exploring your own narratives, beliefs, and emotions. Through immersive viewing experiences, you'll gain new insights into your life's journey and unlock hidden aspects of your psyche.

Deep Transpersonal Work: Dive into the depths of your consciousness and explore the realms beyond the personal self. Be guided through profound self-inquiry, embodied meditations, and intuitive practices to connect with your higher self, archetypes, and collective wisdom. This work opens doors to expanded perspectives and a deeper understanding of your purpose and interconnectedness.

Somatic Release: Our bodies hold profound wisdom and healing potential. Through somatic release techniques, you'll learn to listen to your body's signals, release stored tension, and facilitate emotional and energetic healing. This modality allows for a holistic integration of mind, body, and spirit.

Coaching: I will provide personalized guidance and support throughout your journey. You'll receive expert insights, practical tools, and accountability to facilitate lasting transformation in various aspects of your life.

Role-Playing: Step into different roles and explore alternative perspectives, enabling a fresh understanding of yourself and others. Role-playing exercises provide a safe space to practice new ways of being and relating, empowering you to make positive changes in your relationships and personal interactions.

Bodywork: Experience the transformative power of bodywork as a means of releasing tension, restoring balance, and fostering a deeper connection with yourself. My skilled bodywork techniques will help you unlock blocked energy, enhance your vitality, and cultivate a harmonious mind-body connection. I use touch to speak to the nervous system and poetry to quiet the mind. Allow the cadence of my voice to help your body relax into deeper and deeper states of release.

Energy Work: Engage with the subtle energies that permeate your being and the universe. Explore various modalities that work to clear energetic blockages, promote vitality, and facilitate bio-psycho-spiritual growth.

Disharmony within the system leads to disease and dysfunction. A transformational journey with me involves working intimately together to restore harmony to the body, mind and soul.  

1-1 Journey

This is an immersive journey where we will uncover and re-pattern your relational blocks so you may experience deeper intimacy, more fulfilling sex, and improved well-being.
Many dysfunctional patterns arise from early childhood events and cause pain and distortion in relationships with self and others. Often, these patterns cause disharmony within our most intimate connections, which results in disharmony within our own physiological system. Sessions are deeply healing and include integration calls. In-person only.

2500/ multi-hour session

multi-day Transformational Journey

Welcome to the healing sanctuary. Enjoy a private, multi-day, retreat-style immersive experience. We will spend the day together, unpacking any limiting beliefs and rediscovering your greatest potential through a range of modalities. You can expect between 1-3 healing sessions per day, plus chef-cooked meals designed to help balance your unique system.


Monthly Transformational journeys

We will meet each week to move through a customized curriculum to transform you into your most powerful, embodied self. At least once a month, we will meet in person for your private, retreat-style immersive experience.
